How does Automated Testing Work?

TrialGrid Automated Testing does not require that any changes are made to your Study. It does require that a special Study called "TG UAT" be created in the Rave URL where testing will take place. TrialGrid Ltd provides a special draft which must be uploaded and published to this study and to a single study site. See Initial Setup for Automated Testing.

TG_UAT Draft 19 and higher

TrialGrid Automated Testing works by running Chrome browsers on the TrialGrid servers. These Chrome browsers log into Rave/iMedidata and run the steps in the Test Cases by entering data into the TG_UAT subject. The TG_UAT draft contains Custom Functions which perform the test steps and verify test results. The Chrome browsers are also used to capture screenshots for test evidence.

TG_UAT Draft 18 and lower

TrialGrid Automated Testing works by entering data into Medidata Rave via Rave Web Services and then using a Rave Classic or Rave EDC account to collect screenshots as evidence of data entered and Edit Checks run.

Rave Web Services (RWS) is a Medidata Rave technology which allows integrating systems to enter data into Medidata Rave exactly as a user would. When data is entered via RWS, all Edit Checks run exactly as they would if a user performed the data entry and an RWS user cannot enter data into Fields or Forms which are view/entry restricted to those users.

RWS requires a Rave Classic account (sometimes known as a Rave Service Account) in order to work.